Friday 26 April 2013

Where it all began

Please allow me to introduce... Riley Gene.
The little person who came into our lives and made us see things through fresh eyes, he is the child who inspired this blog. He had a difficult entrance but he has certainly made up for it in his two and a half years of being on earth. Here is his story so far:

We had been trying for a baby for some time and it had become stressful, so we took a holiday in our favourite place in the world to have a break from trying to conceive. Tokyo is one of the great loves of my life and we visited a Japanese temple where we hung this Ema on the wishing tree.

The Japanese Gods granted our wish because three weeks after we returned from Japan I discovered I was pregnant.... and my son was conceived in Tokyo.

This scan was so precious, I had all the signs of a miscarriage and we went for a scan to check...and there he was all happy and complete with a tiny heartbeat. It was a wonderful day.

You know right from the start I had a feeling I was having a boy so this scan was no surprise

I had a wonderful pregnancy up until week 38 when I developed severe pre eclampsia and my son had to be delivered by emergency c section, he had breathing difficulties and spent his first two weeks in intensive care

He was perfect, his lungs grew stronger and even though that first two weeks felt like forever he was soon home and then the fun began...

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